
Why I can't finish my bedroom...

Two words. I've said them before, but here I go again... Design Schizophrenia.  I'm back from vacation, all refreshed, well sort of.  I returned home wide eyed and excited for that "I haven't seen my house in a week and it looks so different" experience and I was greatly disappointed. 

 I cleaned before I left, but that didn't help.  I just saw all the unfinished chaos I have going on.  My bedroom in particular.  Been in this house almost 2 years and all I've done is there is redo one of my Malm nightstands with O'verlays because I HAD to. The other one is staring at me all dark brown and sad, waiting patiently for its turn. 

I need a plan. I head to the computer to O.D. on Google Images and get inspired. I land on House Beautiful's crack den of 101 Bedroom Images and I realize I have a big problem. I can't commit and I like way too many styles.  See...

Love all the craziness and color here,
 and that bed & dresser are all killing me and such ...
Also like it a bit more tailored, but colorful

Monochrome is good...

Maybe simple with some bold pops...

Some ethnic boho brightness...

And I like rustic clean masculine too...

Or traditional, eclectic global...

So that's where I'm at today.
Certifiably a mess, blender brain and can't make a decision for myself.
Anyone else with this issue? How do you deal with it?


  1. Thank you. I needed to hear that I am not alone in my design blender :)

  2. i just "finished" (are we ever finished) my master bedroom! check it out!

    good luck!

  3. I have this dilemma every day (really). But I decided I need to just go for things. Thomas Jefferson was a self-taught architect and called his own home, Monticello, his "essay on architecture" because it was where he experimented and it constantly changed as he learned. So I consider my little space my "essay on decorating." :)


  4. I'm having the same problem. I think I'm going with tailored.

  5. Issues up the wazzuuu. Only I'm still so stuck on my living room that I can't even think about the bedroom. I'm all for tailored eclectic.

  6. Ahhh! I get the same thing. I could help anyone else but myself when it comes to decorating. I like so many styles and get tired of them easily. I decided that I'm just going to mix my styles and make it work. I just hope it doesn't look like a crackhead decorated it.

  7. Found your blog recently-♥ it.
    Like you , I like LOTS od styles-hard to pick just one.
    So don't-just go with a color you love, and jump in!

    I will leave you with this pearl of wisdom from my daughter's third grade teacher-

    "Remember that CAN'T lives on WON'T street..."

    I ♥ that saying-it helps motivates me. Hope it helps you too!


  8. oh MOST DEF share your affliction!! and to make matters worse.. i'm addicted to PINTEREST which only gives you MORE inspiration!! LOL ;)
    i haven't pulled the trigger on our master yet either. heck, no room is complete yet! sigh...

  9. I totally get that way too. Mostly because I have the same issue with liking too many styles. I just let my brain clutter, haha and go crazy and look at a million different styles for the day and then usually the next day I'll be back to normal. or..I'll find a piece that will inspire me to stick with one style. Embrace it! You have a passion and sometimes that means too many ideas ;)

  10. Girl, not sure I have a cure for design ADD. I've got it bad too, so I feel your pain. I flit from room to room, project to project. I'm trying to focus on my family room/living room, but it's hard. I'm actually finally getting an upholstered headboard after wanting one for 5 years. I wish I could help. Is there a brand of ritalin we could take maybe?

  11. I did mine recently and I want to start all over again. Crazy, huh?

  12. I'm totally the exact same way...there is stuff that I love from everywhere...pretty much an impossibility to narrow it down and hammer out a real style. I might be certifiably insane...(c:

  13. Be crazy girl, if trying to be constrained is too constraining, forget it, it's not you...

  14. I def have the same issue with my bedroom. right now it has light gray/almost white walls, dark wood furniture (which i cant wait to one day get rid of) and light blue and white quilt with pottery barn colorful shams! used to love it now i hate it. so at first i was going w the colorful fun spunky look bc its so me and then i realized i want my bedroom to be serene and as crazy as i am over color there is something nice about waking up to my bright colorless bedroom every morning that makes me say ahh. i might stick w the colorless but in a gorgeous crisp way. im newly obsessed w 4 poster beds with sheer white linen drapes and all white bedding with a burst of bright somewhere (maybe a bench at foot of the bed or a pillow?)

  15. I have what I call the "Fred Sanford" design taste. I like a mish mash of everything. The good part about it is that if you start with inexpensive items that you personalize to your taste, you can afford to change them up as often as you like! I stick with a neutral wall and floor color and the rest is easily customizable.

  16. I can totally relate. I can do a project for a client and keep them focused and committed but as soon as it's for my house I'm a scattered mess. I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone:)

  17. I'm the same way, which is why I honestly expect to move and start all over again (with a completely different decorating aesthetic) once we finish this house.

  18. Ahhhh the blog world has destroyed me in that aspect. I see so many images, love so many, and then can never decide!! I've come to find that there are certain styles that I absolutely am drawn to, so I think i'll always like it. Hopefully! Good luck though, those are gorgeous spaces =)

  19. Haha I think everyone who reads blogs suffers severely from this problem. My problem is that I also work just about 24/7, which leaves a small amount of time every couple of weeks to do a project for my own house. The result is that by the time I have finished a project and ready to move on, I have completely changed my decision regarding the style and direct of the room! At the start of this year my bedroom was going to bold, modern, tailored, in rich jewel blues and greens. Now I'm leaning more toward pea green and robin egg blue with lighter more delicate furniture and a vintage feel. Sigh.

  20. Haha I think everyone who reads blogs suffers severely from this problem. My problem is that I also work just about 24/7, which leaves a small amount of time every couple of weeks to do a project for my own house. The result is that by the time I have finished a project and ready to move on, I have completely changed my decision regarding the style and direct of the room! At the start of this year my bedroom was going to bold, modern, tailored, in rich jewel blues and greens. Now I'm leaning more toward pea green and robin egg blue with lighter more delicate furniture and a vintage feel. Sigh.

  21. The minute you commit, you will click on a blog and see the color/design scheme of your dreams. It is a nightmare of epic proportions....I see no cure.

  22. We all feel you - but what I do is to just remind myself that nothing lasts forever (sorry, husband) so just choose a path and have fun with it and then later I can always change it... easier to make decisions, at least for me!

  23. I totally hear you! The worst part is that blogland is filled with so many great things that committing is just too hard. And right now I'm starting from scratch with our place in Dubai which you would think would be easy but it's actually harder - and the fact that I'm in a foreign country and don't have access to everything I want just complicates things. I think I'll stick to more classic, neutral big pieces and introduce colour and pattern in accessories since I'm constantly wanting to change things. :)

  24. I can completely relate. I think I need to make design boards for all of my rooms now in order to stay on track.

  25. Totally.

    I drape bits of fabric. And then move them. And then drape other bits.


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