
Its in the genes..

Meet my younger sister Kiersten (or KK as we like to call her)...
She is also a crazy ADD design brain (she used to work in fashion).
She has a sick and twisted sense of humor which I adore.

She gets bored easily too, so I could always count on her to entertain me.

 Hard at work and experimenting with transgender...
She is one sexy bitch of a man!
My son gets his fabulous stache from her...

So, she now is home with 2 young kids and has recently undergone a liberating moment.

Lets just call it the "Holy shit! I accomplished a project with little kids" moment.

I remember that moment. It happened right around when my youngest was 1 1/2, almost 2.
Suddenly he was walking more upright, not falling down.  Napping for a decent clip. My oldest was able to entertain himself pretty well.  I suddenly had spurts of time to focus on stuff I wanted to focus on. 
Enter projects around the house.

Well she is there now.

I had given KK my starburst stencil last summer. Remember this one?

Well she finally used it to finish her daughter's room.  Finish is at the big word here because she has been wanting to do this forever and her daughter is almost 2.  
Finishing a project when you are a parent is almost as good, if not better, than taking a shower.

She went softer with gray and white,  accented with pinks and reds...

Now she is all high on life and on a "git her done" roll. 
She has sent me photos of her 1/2 bath she just striped and is now talking about doing something very cool on the walls next to her fireplace.

It is the finished project momentum effect. 

Also, she says she feels connected to the"designer" part of her that has been put on hold with kids. 
 She gets to do something for herself, even with kids clinging and screaming on her...
 it makes her happy.  
She told me "I realized I was never going to get shit done if I focused on the kid's schedule. I had to carve out little chunks for me. I just had to do it.  It's amazing what you can do if you make yourself just do it! Now if only there were two of me. Then I could lift and move all my heavy furniture."

Watch out Philly, she's gonna be hitting up the thrift stores next.

Hope you all have a productive weekend!


  1. Great post! It gives me hope! Although, I'm still on my first kid, so I might not be getting anything done for a couple of years. The bedroom is adorable!

  2. My nieces are two of a kind. Way to go, Kiersten. LOve what you're doing.
    Aunt Andrea

  3. I love that stencil and Molly's room is adorable!! Way to go Kiersten - keep it up and post pictures! Very inspiring:)


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