
Slipcovers. Done.

After three nights of sewing myself into a sleep deprived state I have finished the white slipcovers.
2 sofas, 12 cushions.
Never Again, or at least not for 5 years.

But I am so happy its done.  Bright colors just look so much better against white...
 Here is the tired tan microsuede before shot.
The tan just looks dirty, and the room looks like its wearing a fun bright tunic with sweats....

Now its bright and relaxed and I just want to take a nap on them couches.  I am too tired to even freak out about kids and juice coming in here.
I also brightened up the pillows if you notice from the old shot. I tried my hand at Spoonflower and even designed my own fabric to go with my new magenta/blue scheme:
Its called Cloud Pagoda Navy/Magenta and you can get it here.

 All this didn't go off without a hitch either. 
 The first night I washed all my fabric in hot water to pre- shrink (actually old mismatched white Ikea drapes and some white panels I found at  a second hand shop).
Upon pulling them out of the dryer I discover this...
Holy F*C%!!!! Green crayon! 
Melted all over three panels!
(It turns out my son tossed one into the washing machine earlier that day. Thanks Joe.)

So I had to strategically cut panels around the mess to salvage what I could .
There are parts of my couch that are covered by cushions that look like this...

But whatever.  The next round went smooth and FAST- deceivingly fast. I whipped up the bodies of both couches in record time.  It built my confidence up, only to have it crushed the next night by cushions.

 Can I just say cushions (all 12 of you) suck.  The price of a slipcover is so worth it because I hate sewing cushions.  And I didn't even welt mine.  I also did velcro tabs instead of zippers because I am not good at zippers.  I spent hours making the little enclosures...
 and many more hours making the actual box cushions...

But its done.  AND NOW I NAP.

Be back with more brain cells soon.


  1. OMG you are a rock star sewing queen! Love them.

  2. Damn girl you got some mad sewing skill! Definitely keep juice away.

  3. I am so impressed! Seriously! I can't believe you did this project so quickly! Love the crayon fiasco -- oh the joy of boys!

  4. Wow, you are incredible! I am pretty sure I would end up in the looney bin if I attempted two slip covers!

  5. You are for real superwoman, I dont know how you do it all?

    They look amazing, and its true... colors look so much prettier against white- yeah for slipcovers!

  6. Is there anything you can't do? Martha needs to watch out. Damn! I love them.

  7. Is there anything you can't do? Martha needs to watch out. Damn! I love them.

  8. Wow...the cover looks SO amazing and I can't believe you did it all yourself !!


  9. WHOA!! I can't believe you did this?? They look completely professional. Wowee...when you get over it, can I hire you??

  10. They look fabulous!

  11. They look fantastic! We've both been busy slipcover sewers - I just blogged about my 2 chair covers today as well. No more slipcovers for me for a while too. Whew!

  12. They look really, really great Danika! You have infinitely more patience than I ever will! I would have collapsed into tears and a string of colorful language after the green crayon incident. The pillows look so good against the white. Lovely!

  13. Looking good! Your talent disgusts me! Give me some!

  14. You are a force of nature. I'm gonna just keep on saying so.

  15. I wish I could get up the courage to try something of this magnitude.
    I applaud you for even continuing after the discovery of the green crayon. Great job!

  16. Yesss!!! Loved finding your blog! You are not kidding when you say that you love color! Great style!!

    Definitely following you and would love a follow back!


    holly foxen wells

  17. HIGH-FIVE! They look fabulous!! I love your place! That entry way wall is major eye candy. Perfect color sceme in both areas...I have been paying $53 a month for a storage unit to store a sofa I bought at goodwill for $39 IN SEPTEMBER, bc I want to recover it, HA!!! I Dont know how to sew, Don't have any space in my upstairs/no porch/no yard/no garage apartment complex rental and scared to even attempt to conquer it!! AHHHH! Help. Jealous of your talent... encouragment please...(forgive me in my lil girl fit/rage)

  18. I LOVE them!! Stunning!! Especially the pink. Just gorgeous!

  19. Cushions are a NIGHTMARE. I worked on a set for dining room chairs with welts and snap strips instead of zippers. But seeing the results is good therapy - remind yourself of that! The couches look great!

  20. I so hear you.

    You get all excited when the body is covered. But you are still less than half way there.

    Two sofas. OMG. Doesn't your whole body hurt after?

  21. Oh yeah, also so true about color looking better against white.

    So many pillows never looked right with my offwhite sofa. Everything looks right with bright white.

  22. GOOD JOB!! The entire room is fantastic! You nailed it with white - it's the perfect canvas to make everything else pop. Bright and welcoming and still easy to relax in - enjoy!

  23. So pretty! I love the white. Please give us an update in a few months on how they are holding up /wearing. I've been thinking of a white slipcover for my couch but worry what it will look like after a little while. I don't have little ones, but a dog and cat and for some reason I always dribble my morning coffee! I'm thinking with frequent washings and bleach that I will be a happy camper? Maybe?

  24. I am soo impressed and I do not blame you for no zippers! Good idea with the velcro! Amazing job! :)

  25. I hate sewing cushions, too. I swear the entire time...and say "never again". This came out fantastic. Bummer about your son's advice, ditch the crayons and switch to colored pencils. Far less messy.

  26. Wow! Looks great! Love the wall, too! Such a fun room. Great job!

  27. Wow - you are amazing. I am never going to make slip covers. But I love yours. They look almost exactly like my PB square slipcovers.

  28. In case you care, Krud Kutter will take out that melted crayon and other waxes/oil bases, too.
    Great GREAT job, BTW!!!

  29. Love 'em! You're right, the pillows look so much better against the white. I've been wanting to buy white slipcovers for my dark leather couches. Maybe I'll sew them?!


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