
NEW! Beach Month at GST

Hello my home slices!  I have a new agenda for you all.  I have decided to dedicate the month of May to the beach.  I love me a good beach house and some coastal design, and I am jamming this month full of it.  

I grew up in "lower" state NewYork, just a hop over the Jersey line, so my first experiences of the beach were at age 9 getting sucked out in a mean undertow at the Jersey Shore. Twice.
I developed a healthy respect for the ocean, and still kept going back.  

When I was able to drive, my friends and I would head out to Robert Moses State Park on Long Island.
  (I learned all my aggressive driving skills on the L.I.E.)
We soaked our hair in lemon juice and did a lot of sun damage to our skin. And there was always one loud mother on the beach that would keep us entertained with a super heavy Long Island accent.  
"Chris-to-fa, stay away from the woh-ta!"& "I sweah, my daw-tah is like the may-yah of Minneola!"
has been forever burned into my brain. Oh, good times.

The beach always offers that promise of fun and carefree relaxation.  The rest of the big world just vanishes when you are there.  You suddenly become very small.

So I decided to start off small and close to home, 
(well now its Boston, and the accent up here is just as awesome as NY/NJ -"wat-ha") ...
so lets talk about the quintessential New England beach cottage.

My favorite is Jeffrey Bilhuber's Nantucket cottage.
One word: adorable.
From the outside I expect to find my grandmother inside making cookies and lemonade...

 The inside is classic, relaxed and hand feels homey...
 He managed to jam  major style into the tiny  square footage, and the dark brown grasscloth makes this tiny room seem much grander...
 I am not as traditional and formal as this, but I love it because it reminds me of home.
It reminds me of going to my parents or grandparents, cozy and safe.
 And the formal elements are balanced by natural ones and crisp white
 to make the space feel airy and fresh.

On a separate note, I have to also kick off May with a big "Happy Birthday"!
Seven years ago I became a momma to my big guy Thomas. I love you T!
Best job I have ever had!

Oh, and I have finally hopped on the Instagram bandwagon.
(I have a Droid, so I had to wait.)
Come over and follow me (danikaherrick) and my randomness.
Like this...
Hair update.
Its bleached.  Much shorter.

I have one more round of toner to go until platinum happens, 
and soon this will be happening to it too...
f*cking obsessed with this do, and I am willing to chop.  
I plan on glamming it up and lounging around my house like its a 70's nightclub.
I have had short hair once (twice if I count the 4th grade Dorothy Hamill),
and it keeps me on my toes. 
 Fact. I dress better, wear make up and am skinnier with funky short hair. 
 You kind of have to or else you look like "Bleh".  
And if I hate it its only hair. It grows back.
Thoughts on chopping?


  1. love the hair! I think you should go for the shorter, blonder pic too!

  2. I have short hair and I know EXACTLY what you mean. Run out in sweats and I end up looking like a middle school aged boy. It definately ups my game and I LOVE it.

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that cut! Can't wait to see it on you and I totally agree about dressing better and the makeup/skinny comments! Getting ready to chop mine off too! :)

  4. I adore that cut- I cut my bra strap length hair once after Gwyneth Paltrow and I loved it - also love that you HAVE to fix it. Go for it!
    xoxo -e (modern24seven)

  5. love the beach thing happening here. Also love the blonde hair and the chopping it short idea- rock on!

  6. You've got the right bone structure to pull off the short hair. I'm thinking Debbie Harry--with hopefully less blush. =>

  7. that beach house kills, and your hair is going to look FABOOSH! i've never gotten more compliments than i have since i shopped all of mine off. get it!

  8. I don't know which I like more, your beach-themed month or your haircut. Looks fabulous!

  9. Love the hair!!!!!! Short hair for summer would be so easy and you will look fab no matter what.

  10. DO IT! That cut is IT!!! The color, too!!

  11. CHOP it so I can live vicariously through you!

  12. I just found your blog because of your YouTube video "How to Make a Pillow with an Invisible Zipper while Drinking Mojito". I just sewed my first "real" pillows & I wanted to do them with invisible zippers, which I've NEVER done! Your tutorial was so perfect for me. I'm going to write a post with photos of my finished project on Friday, but I will be giving a little sneak peak and will be adding your video to both my Friday post and tomorrows post. I'd love for you to pass by. I'll let you know when my full post is up on Friday so you can pass by and check it out. Thanks for "helping" me in my first "official" sewing adventure!

    Melissa @ Loving this {crazy} life!

  13. Keep going...that hair cut is so easy to live with. I had that hair for about 4 years and I loved it. I cut it off even shorter this year. It's true that there is no second day hair or popping it into a pony tail to run out, but it's so fast to shower and blow dry that it wasn't an issue. And fabulous earrings will be your new best friend.
    I think you'll look gorgeous- go for it!

  14. What a post -- I LOVED this one!! And happy birthday to your big guy!

  15. I loved this post! Post the pics of your new do!

  16. Love your blog girl but this post pulled me outta lurk mode. Beach theme - LOVE, grew up in Staten Island so your Long Island accent impersonation had me crying!
    My thoughts on hair, short is sexy! I went from mid back to a fauxhawk and I couldn't be happier. It's so easy to switch it up and def keeps me on my A game. So chop it Baby and do that 70's lounging that made me crack up when I read it!
    You have a freaking awesome week girl, I'll be waiting to see that short hair!

  17. Love the hair do - current and the shorter version is one of my favorite looks, too - go for it!

  18. I would like to celebrate your dedication to the beach!!! There is nothing I like better than a light and airy decor....and the beach!!! Love your hair!

  19. I completely agree - having short hair makes me put more effort into how I present myself and its great! I used to have hair down my back and cut it all off into a short pixie about 3 years ago and I'll never go back. I feel so much spunkier and sassier! Can't wait to see your hair chopped off soon...its going to look great :)


Talk to me.