
Mojo rising?

Maybe!  I know I have been super lame on my end as a blogger the past couple months,
but let me explain.
 Work, kids, blah blah.
Mostly its work, interrupted by kids
(imagine small Will Ferrells in the "Ma! The meatloaf!" scene from Wedding Crashers,
but just insert juice, waffles, or hotdogs in place of meatloaf.)
 I am in the land of summer vacation. yay.

I actually contemplated shutting the blog down or taking a break, but I realized that was dumb because I really do enjoy it and I would miss you all too much, and I think the past few months already qualify as a break.  I had been starting to feel like all I was doing was apologizing for not being here and quite frankly I have been so uninspired lately.  I hate to throw a post up for the sake of posting.

And another big reason I can't stop is because I get shit done around the house because of it.  You keep me accountable!  Which brings me to my summer "To DO" list.  It has been months since I lifted a paint brush or sewed a pillow, so its about time I got my ass in gear and did something.  This might be a record for the longest break of paint fumes- lets refocus & bring the crazy back!

So we are starting it off with the "Mother of all Things I have said I would (do but haven't done yet):


Yes, it REALLY is happening.  I am not blowing smoke, its for reals. The hubs finally said "Fine, do whatever." after years of opposing it. We actually almost moved (again) a few weeks ago -(long story) but it sent us into panic mode thinking about all the crap we needed to fix around the house if we did go to sell.  We are now staying, and we are gonna address our scary list.
So, dated cabs- I want BRIGHT, I am so sick of the dark fake walnut.  This task will take a while since its all me, but the paint has been ordered.
I will need to scrub everything with TSP, take the doors off, paint paint paint, design some kickass O'verlays for some of the doors and decide on a great wall treatment.   The scrubbing and painting part is going to kill my ADD side, but I will need to do it in stages and find other projects (distractions) to bounce to...


This room took a major beating the winter before last and had water damage.
We barely use it because of that, so it needs to get fixed.  I am changing the floor up ASAP because it took a beating...

and I am tired of my crazy floor and need to go with something more neutral.   I just want to soften the whole thing up.  I'll chat more about this room when I get a better clue.


No pictures please. It sucks in there and has been half finished for 3 years.
No clue. I am a hot mess in that department.
Just tell me what I should do.


Doing it again. This time I will be better prepared.
Going all Ninja Stealth.
or something like that.
I am actually just really excited because its one of those things I do for myself,
and get to share the experience with others (my husband and niece run this too).


I am going to get all deep here.
Since starting the O'verlays venture almost a year ago life has gotten crazy.  I work around the clock, and a lot has gotten sacrificed- including this blog and friends.  I joke about my kids interruptions, but it really should be the other way around.
I interrupt their time with "gotta send an email, etc." and I miss out on so much because of work.

They let me know when they need me and when I am face first in the computer too much. So does my husband.  I have neglected them way more than I should, and they have patiently supported me (and have grown to despise fretwork.)  I owe them so much, and I need to get better about balancing my schedule and going off the grid when we have family time.  I can go on here, but I think any of you that work and have a family know what I am talking about.  It isn't easy, but something always has to give.
Time is all we have, and you don't get it back once its gone.

Any advice from those of you that have mastered this area is welcomed.
I do know that just making this post has helped to focus me and respark  my mojo.
Thanks for listening.

Get ready, because I am back people!




  1. I have been a bad blogger lately as well. Your motivation is helping me feel motivated again! That and I have a dinner party coming up. Nothing like throwing a party to help get your butt in gear to do a few projects!

  2. Yay! So glad you are back. I am finding that it is really common for the people who don't make their living blogging to slow down. Then comes the apologizing. But here's the thing: no one said you had to post daily, or even consistently. That' what's so great about being able to "follow": when you're back, we know it. So I say, just take the pressure off. Blog when you feel like it, and don't worry about it the rest of the time. We love to see what you're up to, when you have the time to share.


  3. So glad you are at it again. You are one of my very favs.

  4. Yay! It absolutely breaks my heart when bloggers I love so much decide to quit blogging so I'm glad you're back at it! And honestly, don't feel like you need to apologize for no posting often! We all understand how life gets in the way and forgive you for it! Can't wait to see what you decide to do with the much potential there!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. Hi Danika, I'm one of your lurkers, and was so happy to see you back I wanted to leave a note.
    My personal suggestion? Take a deep breath. You got this girl! Look at all you've accomplished, it's a amazing.
    I had a very successful friend that used a timer for his tasks. Once the timer went off boom he was done, no working on that till tomorrow.
    And cutting back on technology for family is never a bad thing. Maybe use an app for posting? I find I write more quickly and get off my site much faster when I do it from the phone.
    Lastly, please inspire me with the kitchen cabinets. I've been dying to do mine but it seems everything else needs attention first.
    Best wishes - Eva

  6. So happy to see you back! I just love your blog and am constantly inspired by your projects. You get way more done than I do and my son is away at college most of the time and I only work part time. After years of running around like a crazy women as a single mom, working 60+ hours a week in a high pressure job, house, church, volunteer, cub scouts, friends, family, a bit of a social life, etc. etc. it's nice to sit back and relax. I have no words of wisdom on how to do it all. You just do the best you can each day. Just make sure you are having fun. Because there is no reason not to!

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