
ADD, you are one cruel mistress...

But before I get into all that craziness, let me entertain you with a photo that has been making me snort-laugh all weekend.  Family portrait time kiddos!

Really.  this is me and my sisters (actually we look more like bros here).
I am the one with the killer green "kissing whale" sweater. Rocking it!
Yes, the 80's were not kind to us. AND the fact that my Mom had picked this photo just makes me wonder what all the other proofs look like.   My poor sister and with her shoes and the facial expressions.
SO bad, but all so GOOD! still laughing! snorting.

F-you Dorothy Hamill and your little boy hair cut that we all copied like sheep.
I owned that bitchin' cut!

 Now, back to ADD...
The entry wall. That was the plan Sunday.  
My zig zag stripes were going bye-bye.
I had painted them over wallpaper (amongst many other things) so the paint was really thick and I was dreading having to strip them.  

Then a miracle occurred...the paper just peeled off the wall. 
In almost full sheets.
(5 year old camera man strikes again!)
Even my kids jumped in because I made it look like so much fun...
About 3 Minutes later  I had a bare wall and the birds and unicorns 
were singing joyfully in my head...
 This is where things get weird. 
I kind of slipped into a "paint"/ "too many options" black out....

I remember ordering my husband to get me white primer, he returns but not fast enough because I had decided I needed to cozy this room up while he was gone.  
"I need a gallon of Ben Moore 'Old Navy' eggshell finish!" I said.
He looked at me, didn't dare ask any questions and brought it back.

What happened next was a 2 day bender of coffee and wine, paint, rearranging shit, 
breaking shit (I rush, therefore things fall over and break) and lots of second guessing.
 Kids home from school?
No better time to start a big project and complete upheaval. They were awesome actually.

I made sure to snap pictures to document this craziness.
Navy was making me happy.
The big brown rug not so much. Felt like a cave.
Painting goes on pause while I search for a rug substitute...

 I steal the one from the family room...
 Drop it down, rearrange things back... thats better, brighter.
I also switched the curtains out to white panels during all this.
Back to painting...

 I painted for a good part of the day, but not without many more sidetracks.

Does this ever happen to you?  
Painting, painting... 
(convo in my head) 
"hey. isn't there that old Brunschwig panel downstairs. 
That might work on the ottoman or dining room chairs."

(I run to basement, find more than the said panel, 
bring it all up stairs and start trying out new ideas for the ottoman...)
 liking the tiny grey leopard better...
back to painting.
"hey, remember that old rust rug?  hmmmm...."
(pull said rug out and try it under DR table)
color scheme is completely changing FAST around here
 I turn around and see this now happening and the big blank entry wall.
"Crap. I was suppose to be working on YOU!"
I have now lost all focus and I have a zillion new ideas for that wall.
 and a zillion ideas for pillows and maybe a tint or something on the ceiling.
and my head is all about his now...

and I have now rearranged the family room and added pink and a big brown rug to 
orange, aqua and gold...

and I have not even started my entry wall.

And that folks is how things get done/ not done around here.
Scary isn't it?  And my family hasn't left me yet either by some divine force.
Maybe they are crazy too.

Anyhow, I now have opened a can of about 12 new projects and ideas.
 I am back to work now, so they are going to have to wait a bit.
Anyone else do this?


  1. Oh yes it sound just like me!
    I'm loving your navy wall and your 'new' rug and the blue pillows and turquoise dresser-thingy and what a joy it must have been to have the walpaper peel so nicely and to have such a cute helper. I like the direction it's going and look forward to seeing how you pull it off:)


  2. You crack me up! I was laughing out loud the whole time, because I swear you were talking about me...seriously! It's so hard to resist that little voice that's pulling you to the other side of the room. On a side note...that's freaking awesome about the wallpaper. Can't wait to see when you finish! Good luck!

  3. Hahaha OMG reading that was like a rollercoaster ride. My stomach was literally doing flips and I got more and more excited with each scroll. Love love love it, just like everything you do.

  4. can i have just 1/2 of your energy?! loving the navy.

  5. This had me cracking up. Your family members are troopers - but then, when you get awesome results like this, why wouldn't you hang in there? Can't wait to see what happens to the entry wall :)

  6. Oh my god, I'm exhausted just reading about it.
    I totally do this--except I mostly do it in my head and or/ move things around BEFORE I start painting,t o decide if that's really what I want to do....


  7. you could be my sis' twin in that pic. Same haircut and everything. Weird!
    xoxo -e (

  8. I get tense and jumpy just reading! I'm so much a planner. I have to have everything worked out ahead of time. Which is also why things don't get done because I can never nail down every little detail before starting. I finally forced myself to rearrange furniture and hang drapes in the living room even though I didn't have things like new end tables yet. It's nice to have SOMETHING done. Can't wait to see what you do in the entry. I really loved your zig zag walls.

  9. this is ME!!!!!! i start 100 things at once and never finish 1! i will walk away from doing the dishes, dishwasher open just to go and move a picture from one wall to another. my mind tortures me every day!!! happy to share my disease with others...

  10. O my gosh! I have so much admiration for your impulsiveness and your courage to trust your gut! It is all turning up fabulous but it would take me about a month to even DECIDE to make these changes. You rock!

  11. This had me cracking up! I am so glad I am not the only completely ADD decorator out there. Loving the direction of the new color scheme!

  12. Haha I love this! Story of my life EVERY weekend. Especially when coffee and nice weather is involved!

  13. I swear we are long lost relatives! I died reading this post because that is exactly how I operate!!! Looking at my living room walls and thinking I need to repaint. Lord help us!! ;) Looks awesome!!

  14. I don't do that.

    But I did have the Dorothy Hamill haircut and was often mistaken for a boy.

  15. HYSTERICAL post, thank you. I am new to blogging that I can see you've been very successful at this, and I thought my own ADD impusles would be a curse, but it really is a blessing. Very talented lady, lol!!

  16. Hysterical! Reminds of the book, "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"....

  17. All. The. Time.
    You just described my life, but add my husband in shaking his head and rolling his eyes at my 'projects'!!

  18. you just described my world perfectly! ugh!! what is it with us!!!!

  19. OMG, I"m having heart palpitations just reading your post. I have no doubt it's going to look fantastic when you're finished.

  20. I really loved the color scheme out here...Every single piece is just amazing...!!

  21. Danika. I love the stream of conciousness decorating that you do. I also LOVE the navy. Can't wait to see what you do with the entry wall.


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