
Weekend Update from Bed

We've succumbed to the plague- think its the mother of head colds, not the flu- so I have been laying low in bed. So far I watched Groundhog Day way more than once, and finally got a chance to watch Downton Abbey and bawl my brains out.  
(So not good with a head cold, kind of feels like I could suffocate.) 

I've also read all my online mags & I picked up new bad habits on my iPad.
like this app:

 drawing, sketching virtually, happiness

and of course this one:
right now it is mostly just my kids doing goofy stuff (they REALLY like Vine), 
but I hope to start using it for before and afters & how to's...

On other fronts, we have new patterns at O'verlays and a new website that will be launching soon.
The current one is impossible to navigate with all the patterns/sizes, and we realized we started this company not expecting it to grow so quickly and with no knowledge of websites (just a blog)- so thank you for your patience while we have been mucking through it.

This is the new Bubbles design. 
Over on the blog, we are showing her off and doing a "How to Mirror your Malm" tutorial.
Very easy.  
(and we finally released the thick Greek Key Brackets, check em out on the Lack table in the background or on Sanity Fair's Vittsjo etagere.)

And one last nugget for the "Pickers" out there planning to be in the Portsmouth area.
Last weekend my husband and I did a "date day".  We hit up a couple of salvage yards and found a great little gem of a store that specializes in vintage lighting.

First the lighting.
You must go here:

 Knew it would be good by the sign outside the door...
And when I walked in there truly were no words, I just had to remember to breathe.
Overhead was more vintage lighting than I have ever seen in one room.
It was like Ebay and Craigslist in person...
 (sadly what heaven would look like for me, but with out price tags of course)
 worth the trip for the "after-life" sensation alone.

Now lets talk salvage yards...
Right next door to the above lighting utopia in Exeter, NH is this place:
its a bit of a dig through and it was VERY cold inside, so bundle up, but the shop owner was really nice and helpful.
I scored this brass lantern, which I plan to use in the remodel somewhere...

The next salvage shop is not to far away in South Hampton, NH.

This place was more organized and better laid out.
It had tons of lighting, old built ins and knobs & bits:

 how cool would this piece be in a (big) kitchen?

 They also make reclaimed wood tables...
and here is the  #1 contender for our laundry room door:

 and they have a barn and a yard filled with more:

There is also a good salvage yard in Portland, ME we keep meaning to get to... 
next date day.

See you on the flip side of tissues and NyQuil soon!


  1. OMG! I'm so entirely jealous. I love searching through old salvaged stuff. I used to work at an antique auction and seriously... this post is right up my dream alley.

    Also, on websites... I've been helping my gym put theirs together... if you want help, let me know! I'm more than willing. You can build a 'front' webpage and then link to your blog posts and what not. It's pretty awesome.

    Much Love,

  2. Love that place. But was that knob really $225? I think I might be rich! Have those everywhere.

  3. Uggh, everyone is sick!! Hope you feel better soon!! Love all that vintage lighting and your O'verlays are killer!

  4. Hope you all get better soon! Got that app and am having fun!

  5. Feel better soon! Love your new overlays, and I sure wish I had cool salvage yards near me.. what a fun trip and so much to offer. Love the door!
    xo Nancy


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