
I'm propagating boxwood y'all!

This is by far the easiest, most awesome gardening trick I have ever come upon 
(thanks to my Mom and her storehouse of trivial facts and big time Pinterest addiction).

The other day I was complaining about the snow and how it destroyed my boxwoods.
These have been growing for about 2 years, 
and the blizzard crushed them and snapped off half their branches:
She tells me about this blog, A Garden for the House, and how the guy used boxwood cuttings to grow this amazing garden:
He just took cuttings and stuck them right in the ground.

My mind was blown.  
I immediately posted it over on the GST facebook page 
(what I do when I am feeling too lazy to blog), and then we got hit with another foot of snow.
I  checked the boxwood carnage and decided to take all the broken branches and try this idea out.
They had been buried under snow and were still "alive", but you can just trim any boxwood shrub.

You will need damp fertile soil for this, and if it is warm enough where you live you can just stick these right into the ground.  I have a few more weeks of winter here, so I am starting these inside.

Trim the cuttings to 5-6" and clean the leaves off the bottoms:

Take a group of about 6 cuttings and just stick them right into the dirt, packing them firmly.
Keep them watered and they should take root. Crazy easy, right?
I just made a dozen boxwoods!  
I feel like a gardening god or something.

If I can keep them alive I just saved about $100, and I am closer to my dream of this:
I will keep you posted on them.
Anyone try this before?


  1. Oh, I just spent a small fortune on some very tiny boxwoods. Thanks for the tip-I'll be trying this too!

  2. I want to try this! I pinned it earlier!

  3. Yup, that's all you do. If you want it to take a bit faster, you can use rooting hormone. It is a powder that you dip the end into and then stick it in the soil. They sell it everywhere.

  4. I have the same dream of copious boxwoods. This may be the best thing I have ever seen. Thanks!

  5. We bought a house eight years ago and it needed a ton of landscaping. You'd be surprised how much shrubbery and pavers two thirds of an acre needs! So, yeah, I rooted everything: boxwoods, willows, peonies, figs (from cuttings.) For a while one of the bedrooms was devoted to nothing but cuttings. I'd mist the darned things, watch over them and curse if I lost a new plant. Five years on, I can tell you that i've spent less than $300 on plants--and $15K on hardscaping 'cos you can't root a paver, darn it!

  6. I don't have a success on it in the past. Maybe I will try this now, especially that I read this post.

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