
Just having a moment...

Please excuse me for a second while I get all giddy and wax nostalgic.  
My kitchen redo is being featured on glo.msn right now...
Remember my pre-demo kitchen that was "renovated with paint"
right down to the painted marble counters?
Its being featured here.

There are some really amazing makeovers featured in this article, and I am in serious good company  here... like one of my design idols, Amanda Nisbet, so I am a little "wtf, no freaking way!" right now...
After the past few weeks of chaos, sick kids and reno-drama, this look back is helping me refocus & gain new perspective.  Nothing happens overnight- the last little "paint reno" took about 2 years to get just the way I liked, so I just need to take my time with the current situation.

Not gonna lie though, this also has me going a little "wtf, I killed my cute old kitchen."  
I still have that above view at the moment, but amidst ripped up floors, walls and dust:
  I just need to take my time and let it evolve.  
One thing I have learned from this house is that when I force something to happen, or try too hard to make it work, it usually falls flat.  I am a "change fanatic" as you all know.  It is through these constant changes that I learn a ton about what I like, what I don't, and what makes me happy.  
My house is my little experimental guinea pig.  
This last kitchen makeover was one of my favorite rooms, and its because it took time, a whole lot of experimenting (5 colors in all I think) and negotiating (getting my husband to finally agree to painting laminate).  All these hurdles made the end result much more satisfying. 

And I know I really liked it because I find myself using elements of it in other areas of this current renovation  (painted ceilings, navy and white as the foundation colors for most rooms/ woodwork).  
I still don't have a finalized plan for the kitchen area, but  I have decided to keep it a little open ended to allow for changes and "evolution"- and I am just praying for some more patience!


  1. Congrats on the great feature!!! Love your kitchen so much.

  2. Well-deserved recognition. Congrats!

  3. Congrats on the Glo feature! Like you said, when you rush design it comes out unsatisfying. I know your kitchen will knock it out of the park when you're done designing it.

  4. Your kitchen makeover is just amazing, this is so deserved- CONGRATS!!

  5. I love a round table. I personally don't have the room for one, but if I did I would get one. They do feel intimate.

  6. That's freakin' awesome, lady! Congrats! I remember when you shared your faux marble on my blog and everyone went googoo for it! It doesn't surprise me to see how far your home has gone from there, it's always an evolution! I love it and can't wait to see where it goes from here!

    Much Love,

  7. Congratulations, lady!! You totally deserve being among the likes of Amanda Nisbet (whom I adore too). Off to check it out!

  8. Whoa...congrats..its outstanding..:)

  9. Congrats. It looks so professional.


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