
Please join me tonight...

Hey there! 
Guess what?
I will soon be back in a much heavier rotation... I have some amazing news!
 Renovation Land is about to go full monty, and I can't wait to share the peep show with you.

So, recently I have been all out focused/consumed by a big commercial project...
 ( I can't wait to see that Carleton V kicker of a Chinoiserie paper up and in person-
52" wide, enormous repeat - note the print out example of it in the the pile. love.)

This has taken up much of my awake time.
Please note my IRL situation...
Renovation Land has new hardwood floors, but has become my office/stomping grounds/design studio 
durning a very brutal heatwave.  My kids have been kicked to eating on the couch.

Things in Renoland have been going very slowly due to work and heat, but that is all about to change because...
I am joining the True Value DIY Squad!

I am really excited about this for many reasons...
a) I have SO many DIY projects and tutorials that have been patiently waiting for their moment, 
and this is just the accountable kick in the pants they needed.

b) Dawson's True Value Hardware in Beverly, MA is my jam, you can find me in the (spray)paint or electrical section on any given day.
(and neighboring Water's & Brown in Salem is my alma mater... I used to color consult for them back in the day. warm fuzzies & they have a killer paint department.)

c) All this inspiration. Like a kid in a candy store...
I don't know what you see, but I am thinking:

crazy light fixture out of string...

 something is getting hog-tied in a good & decorative way...
 legs are getting worked over...
 no idea, but this stuff makes me happy...
 my happier place...

So stay tuned because I am cooking up some awesomeness in my 
DIY kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/yard. 

In the meantime I would love to invite you to chime in to tonight's TrueValue Twitter Party led by @ResourcefulMom and @TrueValue.
It happens tonight...
Tuesday, July 23rd from 8:00-9:00 EST
use party tag #TrueValueofDIY 
Be sure to follow me @DanikaHerrick 

Register here for a chance to win a True Value Giftcard.

Tweet ya soon!

1 comment:

  1. Very late here but congrats!!! They couldn't have anyone better for their team!


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