
Basket Shade- via IKEA

My daily equation works something likes this...

A.M.- caffeine + iTunes + work/internet
P.M.- wine + iTunes+ work/internet...

and somewhere in that mix I can be found  
making some shit or having "mind dancing awesomeness" delusions. 
(I have no moves due to my short mental capacity and 5'11" frame but in my head I'm awesome)

Today we'll continue stick to the making...
Available in 12 5/8" and 19 5/8" diameter & a couple color flavors for the cheapness of  $4.99 & $9.99 respectively...

I saw this and felt brilliant (and not brilliant since I'm not the first to think this up)...

but just in case I'm the only blog you read, here it is..

snip snap...
wooo wee a hole...
stick a a pendant light or something like that in it...
and attach...
(or a big ole' lamp for you design pervs)...

 and BONUS, the shadows look pretty...

now go have a glass of wine and pretend you can dance.


  1. I'm not going to do this and you're not the only blog I read, but it is pure awesome. Fist explosion inserted here. ;-)


Talk to me.