The kitchen is right off the orange trellis mudroom and the blue was REALLY bugging me.
I was over it.
(just imagine the first picture in the doorway here, ahhhhh)
I was inspired by this couch from Furbish, apparently the constant subtle brainwashing of the Dunkin Donuts logo and the big pic I found in the LATimes of the Santa Monica pier...

= my kitchen
Hope to be done this weekend. What do you guys think? Keep the Eiffle chairs or switch to the French caned ones?
And don't forget to enter my latest giveaway for some fabulous BLING from my newest sponsor 401s!
Thats a tough one, I like the modern chair look with traditional table.
But the french are pretty too. I like the white walls better especially with the picture you are putting up. It shows it off better.
I would totally keep the eiffel chairs. I love them with the more rustic table. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
I love both chairs! I think I would go french just so you can add the extra color in the fabric on the seat.
Love it! Can't wait to see it all finished!
Tricky! I definitely prefer the eiffel chairs, BUT I love the mix of fabrics you're considering if you include the cane chairs with the ikat seat....
decisions, decisions! And so far, none of us are any help.
I love your artwork! That's going to be such a cheerful room. Can't wait to see it!
I like the mix of modern and traditional, so I say keep the Eiffel chairs. As far as your inspiration goes, it's genius. Now your DD cups will "go" with your space! :)
French for the added punch of color in the fabric!!
It looks amazing so far!! I'm nutty for your light fixture! My vote is for the french chairs, but either will look great. xo
I love your color inspirations! Was that Santa Monica Pier picture FREE in the Times? Wow - that's great! Really beautiful!
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