I finally took the plunge and went back to my roots today. Blonde is gone (for now).
It is gonna take some getting used to. My kids want their mom back. Blonde mom.
What completely freaked me out is how much my sister and and I look alike now.
here is KK:

My friend Grant is an amazing hairdresser and we had fun de-blonding.
First my hair had to be "filled", which means I was Ronald McDonald red for a bit.
My husband left at his point a bit terrified:
Then I rocked the unicorn...
and finally the brown went on while and I did my phone biz
like a 80's shoulder padded bi-atch in panty hose and sneakers!
"what you need?... I'm on that! Just talk louder cause I don't want to get dye on my phone."
And then there was brunette.
Besides that, we had fire season begin on Saturday accompanied by lots of deep thoughts:
...and a massive let down.
My husband and I bailed Sunday morning on this:
We have done it a couple years now,
but I have been so busy with work I just wasn't able to train like I should have.
f-u work and your time consuming powers!
I have yet to complete my Agate Wall for you folks because of it.
Part of me still wanted to do it to see if I could, but my better judgement (aka my husband) talked me down and made me realize I don't need an injury right now.
I also realized these guys are getting way too big:
I have been informed that I am making them these costumes for Halloween.
Ninjago and Beyblades. With weapons.
ugh, and I refuse to let my 7 year old out of the house in a half shirt...
anyone else have Beyblade issues?
and don't get me started on the anime eyes...
I love the brunette on you! It looks so youthful and natural! And you really DO look like your sister. Bother beautiful.
You look great!!!
LOVE the brunette. o flattering with your skin tone and eyes. (weird how nature sometimes knows, right?)
But knowing you, it will not last long....
Oh I LOVE it! I think it makes you look younger...not that you looked old with blonde:) It just works with your coloring...BEAUTIFUL!
I think the brown makes you look softer and more youthful! Looks good!
You were a striking blond, but the brown makes you look younger, healthier and very pretty. I hope you stick with it; not everyone was meant to be a blond.
Oo I love it! It's very warm and rich and it makes you look young! Beautiful!
You look 15 years younger.
Love your brunette, younger, softer look!! Your kids will get used to it!
You look beyond FABULOUS! Way younger.
Hair looks gorgeous! Rock it, sister!
a) love the brunette
b) my oldest wants to be Goku (?) from BeyBlades, to which I said no. He graciously conceded that he could be Cole or Zane but I hate the stupid overpriced one piece polyester outfits...I'd love to see what you come up with!
LOVE the brunette. You look great.
I love it! The color is great and makes you look younger!! Good choice...
I love the natural color. Yes, you and your sister are now twins.
A hair stylist told me that you always look best when your hair is close to it's natural colour and you have just proven that theory to be true. It looks fantastic!
Your kids may be freaked out but I think it looks amazing! The color gives your face a glow! Very nice!
The Relished Roost
Your kids may be freaked out but I think it looks amazing! The color gives your face a glow! Very nice!
The Relished Roost
Looks WONDERFUL! And think of all the money you'll save now on not having the upkeep! You can spend it all on decorating! :)
Yes!!! Such a softer, prettier look. You know, more girl next door thing!
You look amazing Danika...love your natural color! It totally suits you like you were born with it, heehee. Seriously...great decision and your ninjago boys will get used to it soon. Hope alls well!
You are a brave woman. Not only to go back to your 'roots' but to do so in your own kitchen. My mom is a hair dresser and that is typically how we roll but there have been a few panic moments when a emergency trip to Sally's was in order to correct a blonde lift that turned steel metal grey!! The brunette looks great. I should do the same but I have blonde so long that I just can't imagine - my coloring is much like yours.
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